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Pastor :  Fr. Francis Zambon



Welcome, and thank you for visiting our new website for Our Parish Community of Holy Name of Mary, St. Charles Borromeo & St. Vincent de Paul Churches. We hope that our website provides helpful information regarding weekend & weekday masses, our bulletin, Sacramental information, upcoming Parish events as well as other additional information which maybe useful to our website visitors.


Mission Statement 

We, the Parish Family of Holy Name of Mary, St. Charles Borromeo & St. Vincent de Paul Churches, believe that our Mission as faithful Roman Catholics is to present the Image or Our Lord to all that he brings to us in this life.

 In doing so, we are answering the call, placed before us through the Sacrament of Baptism, to be Missionary Disciples of Christ in this community and as a result assist others in developing a personal relationship with Our Loving and Merciful God.

Weekend Masses 
(Please refer to Detailed Mass Intentions below for any changes)


Saturday Mass: 


  5:00pm - St. Vincent de Paul, Deseronto

Sunday Morning Masses:


  8:45am - Holy Name of Mary, Marysville


10:30am - St. Charles Borromeo, Read


Weekday Liturgy - Please refer to





for current Mass updates



Children's Liturgy at Sunday Mass

Currently not available






It’s FREE to everyone within the parish boundaries of Holy Name of Mary, St. Charles Borromeo &

St. Vincent de Paul, our gift to you!



Type our parish postal code K0K 2N0 or Marysville to bring up our parish name. Click on it.

Register your name and email and you are in.

Use your browser, or download the app on Android or Apple devices, Roku, FireTV and

Apple TV, too!


Confession Times: 

- On Saturday evenings starting at 4:30pm, in the Confessional at Saint Vincent de Paul Church  

- On Sunday mornings starting at 8:15am, in the Confessional at   Holy Name of Mary Church 

- In the sacristy 30 minutes before each weekday Mass. 

If you would like to go to Confession but these times do not work for you, please call the office  (613-396-2846) or send me an email ( to arrange a time.  




​​​​╬Please Remember in Your Prayers all those who are sick      


​ Blayre McCarthy, Bridget Knott, Brienna Wright, Bruce Loft, Carson McKenna, Cathy Sloan,

Cathy Thompson, Kelsey Banks, Laura Dodd, Mike Sloan, Olivera Lambeta, Patricia Putman,

Raymond Brennan, Raymond McAvoy, Dan Williams, Kelly Thompson, Dan Donati, Kevin Power, 

Dennis Purcell, Theresa Stone, Hannah Pascoal, Darlene McKenny, Jean Jordan,

Robert Paschkowiak, Mary Gwizdal





Divine Mercy Chapel of the Most Blessed Sacrament - Adoration:  Tuesday 8am to 9pm. 





Join Our Parish Prayer Group

Each first Saturday of the month Holy Mass is offered at Holy Name of Marysville parish at 9:00 am in keeping with the First Saturday devotion requested by Our Blessed Mother at Fatima. Following Mass, a parish prayer group is meeting to pray the Joyful mysteries of the Rosary, reflect on the Gospel of the day and offer prayers for the intentions of the group, the parish, and the Church. All are welcome to join this prayer group. Come once or come every month - it is a beautiful way to contribute to peace in our families and in the whole world. 


Raffle for a Statue of Mary: a Fundraiser for our Teens going to a Youth Retreat in Steubenville, Ohio (tickets $2 each available at the back of each church). Again, this year, we have a number of teens from our parish attending a Steubenville Youth Retreat June 27-29, 2025. Along with 1000s of other Catholic teens from across North America, our teens will experience a life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ that will embolden and strengthen their faith. This raffle will help to offset the costs of this trip. If you have any other questions, please contact Pat Bailey at  For more information about this year's Youth Retreat for Teens in Steubenville, please view Consumed 2025 at 

“For the LORD your God is a devouring fire” Deuteronomy 4: 24

If you have a teen who is not registered for this conference and is interested in attending, please contact Pat Bailey at


Marysville CWL All members & ladies of the parish, are invited to attend the CWL Diocesan Spiritual Retreat 2025. WHEN: Saturday March 29, 2025; WHERE: Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish, 669 Church Road, Enterprise, Ontario; TIME: 9:30 am Mass, followed by Spiritual Program until 2 pm; COST: $20 per person (includes morning refreshments & lunch).  You must register by March 21, 2025 by emailing Mary Lou Hills, Diocesan Treasurer at Payment in advance by cheque, cash or etransfer. You may also register by contacting Julie Murphy before March 15, 2025.  Any questions, please contact Julie Murphy by cell phone #613-920-5363 or email


Helping Hands Food Bank: - Currently the food bank could use KD dinner; cereal hot/cold; Tea; crackers. fruit cups. Your continued support is deeply appreciated. If a financial donation is easier, envelopes are available at the back of our three churches. Thanks to all.


Quinte Right to Life "ANNUAL MARCH for LIFE" in Ottawa on Thursday May 8th. We have arranged our travel plans through a reputable local coach company which will take us to and from our destination in comfort. We encourage those of you who plan to join us on this "journey for life" to reserve your seat(s) without delay. Again, this is an Annual National Pro Life event, where every person will be joined in harmony with others in support of the right to life from conception until natural death. Coach seats are  $35 ea.  More info. regarding our travel itinerary and tickets, call Roy @ (613) 968-9602.


The Morningstar Mission, 58 Water St. W. in Napanee, is looking for volunteers.  Please contact Director Kevin Alkenbrack at 613-354-6355 or, for more information.


Pilgrimage to the Canadian Martyrs' Shrine, Midland (by St. Mary’s Carleton Place) July 16 -17, 2026.  Pilgrims will leave St. Mary in Carleton Place and travel by coach to Midland. There, pilgrims will participate in Holy Mass. The Stations of the Cross & the Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available as well as many other opportunities for private prayer. Further info. please contact Katelyn at 613-257-1284 or email


Jubilee Year of Hope Pilgrimage to Fatima, Lourdes, Rome and Assisi - Please join Father Justin Pulikunnel and Father Shawn Hughes who will travel November 5 to November 17 to Europe to receive the great graces of pilgrimage in this Jubilee Year.  See the announcement below.  For further information please do not hesitate to contact Ann Lyng at  


Information Meeting for All those Interested in the Jubilee Year Pilgrimage of Hope from the Archdiocese - Monday, March 31; 7:00 pm, St. Mary’s Cathedral Parish Centre (260 Brock St, Kingston) - There will be an Information Meeting regarding the Jubilee Year Pilgrimage of Hope for all who have signed up for the pilgrimage to Fatima, Lourdes, Rome and Assisi. This meeting is also for anyone who is thinking of signing up and would like more information and also for anyone who is genuinely curious.  Everyone is most welcome. There are still some spots available.  Edgar Tetelbaun of Gateways International Tailor Made Tours will be present to walk us through the entire experience  and answer all your questions.


7th Annual Rideau Canal Men’s Retreat by canoe and kayak - Tues., Aug. 5- Thurs., Aug. 7.  Theme: Jubilee 2025 - Pilgrims of Hope.  Planning is underway for the  7th Annual Rideau Canal Men's Retreat 2025 for Catholic men (18 years & older, and fathers with teenage sons) will be from August 5-7, 2025.  As in previous years, the goal is to gather Catholic men in an outdoor adventure/retreat where we can share our faith and enjoy a little male camaraderie. We hope that all who are interested in participating in this enjoyable event can work their schedules and join us for this time of prayer, daily Mass, opportunities for Confession, and lots of fun, fraternity, exercise, and adventure. If you know other men who may be interested and are not on our distribution list, please feel free to forward an invitation to them. We anticipate being fully registered, so this is your chance to let us know if you are interested. Thank you for your consideration.


JOURNEY Jubilee 2025 Edition is Now Available - The theme for this edition is Jubilee 2025 Year of Hope  There is also a form where individuals can sign up to receive the next issue of the Journey by email.


TENEBRÆ (with Trinitas Youth Singers) - Wednesday, April 16, 7:00 pm, Holy Name of Jesus Church (950 Old Kingston Mills Road, Kingston).  This solemn, ecumenical service of darkness reflects upon the condescension of Christ through chanted Scripture and motets appropriate to the sobriety of Holy Week. Choral motets include Allegri’s sublime and iconic Miserere, Orthodox chant, and works by Bach, Bruckner, Esguerra, Lotti, Rheinberger, Verdelot, and Willan.  Sung by the Trinitas Singers and Trinitas Youth Singers directed by Jeffrey Moellman.  Free-will offering.


 Canadian Martyrs Shrine, Midland (by St. Mary’s Cathedral, Kingston) July 24-25, 2025 - St. Mary Cathedral parish is organizing a pilgrimage to the Canadian Martyrs Shrine in Midland for July 24 – 25, 2025. Pilgrims will participate in a special evening program at St. Marie Among the Hurons on Thursday evening then spend the day at the Martyrs Shrine where Holy Mass, Stations of the Cross and the Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available. For further information contact Ann Lyng at


Medjugorje Youth Festival August 1 – August 10, 2025 - This Jubilee Year of Hope pilgrimage to Medjugorje, Bosnia Herzegovina will allow pilgrims (aged 18 + or younger accompanied by a legal guardian) to participate in the annual Youth Festival, August 4 to 8, with young adults and the young at heart including the celebration of Holy Mass at dawn on the top of Cross Mountain. Pilgrims can pass through the Holy Door at St. James Church and spend time in prayer on Apparition Hill and other sites within the parish of Medjugorje. Karen Shannon, Holy Name of Mary Parish, Marysville is the coordinator. She can be reached by email,


 Direct Your Tax Support (message from ALCDSB) - As a Catholic, you have the unique opportunity to declare your support for Catholic education through your property taxes. In Ontario, when you choose to direct your tax support to the Catholic school system, a portion of your provincial education taxes goes to Catholic schools instead of public schools. This doesn’t change the total amount you pay in taxes, but it helps determine how your education tax dollars are allocated. You do not need to have children in Catholic schools to show your support. Ontario’s Catholic schools are publicly funded, just like public schools. The Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board (ALCDSB) welcomes all students, regardless of their religious affiliation. Link to our page: Direct Your Tax Support​ - Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board

© 2016. Parish Commity of Holy Name of Mary, St. Charles Borromeo & St. Vincent de Paul Churches


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